In a world where polarisation is an ever-growing threat, we aspire to unify people and organisations by deepening their understanding of themselves and others.
Luba Kassova & AKAS
AKAS & the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Through understanding the ordinary, we generate extraordinary audience insights
and turn them into exciting opportunities, ultimately helping executives transform their strategies
and create new approaches.
“AKAS has helped us think more systematically about how to measure and track the impact of our work, and develop a solid reporting framework to track it. Thanks to these discussions, we have refined our communications strategy by putting impact at the center of our work and developed internal and external narratives based on the real-work outcomes we seek to have in the world, which is to advance clean energy transitions while ensuring access to affordable and secure energy for all.”
Jad Mouawad, Head of Communications and Digital at the International Energy Agency (IEA)
Step 1:
Understand client needs and views
Step 2:
Make implicit knowledge explicit
Step 3:
Generate new insights
Step 4:
Develop the audience story
Step 5:
Identify strategic opportunities
Luba Kassova is a co-founder and director of the international audience strategy consultancy AKAS (Addy Kassova Audience Strategy Ltd), which she set up with Richard Addy to help purpose-led organisations in the UK and globally.
Meet Luba KassovaRichard Addy is a co-founder and director of the international audience strategy consultancy AKAS (Addy Kassova Audience Strategy Ltd), which he set up with Luba Kassova to help purpose-led organisations in the UK and globally.
Meet Richard Addy